Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Kitten Juice

Are you tired?

Sleepy all day long?

Plum tuckered?


You need something new....

No, not Red Bull. You need Kitten Juice!

Yes, after drinking just one bottle of Kitten Juice, your hair will stand on end, and you might just be able to get through the day without falling asleep in lecture. Kitten Juice increases your heartrate to almost fatal speeds and increases your neural activity to somewhere near the speed of light. Just one drink of Kitten Juice and you'll be hooked. Not only because of its great kitten taste, but because it is clinically proven to be as addictive as heroine. This product will revolutionize how you live each day. You'll be able to write entire books in one evening or run 3 marathons a night. You won't need to sleep at all. You can sleep when you are dead and Kitten Juice can help you with that too since each bottle takes at least 2 years off of your life expectancy. Try new Kitten Juice today.

(Found at your local pet-store.)

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