Thursday, September 6, 2007

Ninja Santa Clause

The blog concerning Ask a Ninja's Ninja makes a lot of good points as to who Santa Clause really is. He explains in great detail how the only person on earth that could travel the world in one night and sneak into all those houses has to be a ninja. Personally, I'm scared to celebrate Christmas now.

The format of the blog is basically a talking-head video. More appropriately, a talking-ninja format. (A little known technique that only years of training and repetative backflips can be produced in video form) The talking-ninja, while talking, makes the question and answer session more interesting by using different editing techniques (Not exactly a ninja skill, but still deadly if not used properly) that place the ninja on one side of the screen or the other. This allows the viewer to actively look for the ninja on the screen, although most ninjas excel on not being seen when people are looking for them. This ninja also uses hand gestures (or "conversational katas" as they are known in nijnistic speech circles) to keep the audience entertained (an entertained audience is easier to sneak up on).

Speaking of the audience, who exactly is this audience that the ninja looks forward to killing so soon? I believe the audience consists of very bored people that enjoy a good laugh at the expense of a ninja allowing himself to be seen. No real information or news is passed across in this blog (apart from sound advice to stay away from small ninjas" This blog is pure entertainment, which can also be percieved as a pure roundhouse ninja-kick to the face.

Here is the link to this wicked ninja-blog-grandmaster:

I look foreward to cowering under my sheets this Christmas.



Rick said...

Steve, lots of detailed analyses of this video--looks like there's a whole series of these videos, so it must be popular on YouTube.

I like your rhetorical analysis related to questions about audience appeal--why would someone watch this video? It may be the energy of the actor and the questions he addresses that add some humor. It's also a very visual acting job.

Petra said...

How did you find this guy? :)

Looking forward to more entries!